Terms of use

Thank you for using CinemahdPlus and its services. CinemahdPlus offers users a variety of online and mobile services such as apps and games. The following “Terms of Use” applies to all services provided by CinemahdPlus.com to users. By accessing CinemahdPlus's services, the user agrees to the following terms:

Note: CinemahdPlus service applies to all services provided by CinemahdPlus.com website.

CinemahdPlus provides various mobile and online services. So that users can access and enjoy it from anywhere. All apps and games can be downloaded and installed for free from the CinemahdPlus website by reading these terms of use. CinemahdPlus guarantees the user the proper right to use any service provided by the CinemahdPlus website. Use CinemahdPlus.com's personal property such as trademarks, logos, brands, etc.

CinemahdPlus will update the terms of service regularly. This may include adding or removing certain functions or features within the CinemahdPlus website.

If there is a problem with features and services Users can contact the CinemahdPlus support team via email.

It depends on your phone carrier. Using 4G/LTE network when browsing CinemahdPlus may incur additional charges. We are not responsible for these charges whatsoever. If you want more information about this Please contact your phone service provider.

Content copyright

CinemahdPlus accepts all intellectual property rights. Any form of user-provided content is your own. and should be treated as such

In the event that any user content is published in connection with these services, CinemahdPlus will be disclosed. CinemahdPlus will have the right to display, edit and distribute your content to members and related parties.

Users can take necessary actions to delete their content, and CinemahdPlus always complies with copyright laws in these cases.

CinemahdPlus has the right to remove, withdraw or block content that violates relevant laws, although CinemahdPlus is not allowed to edit or manipulate those content. If any user believes that their content rights have been infringed, they can contact the CinemahdPlus Help Desk for further service and assistance.

Terms of use are subject to change.

To ensure that the CinemahdPlus service complies with applicable laws and remains consistent and relevant, CinemahdPlus may update or change the current terms of use.

Failure to accept these changes will result in a denial of access to the CinemahdPlus service.

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